If you have any health issues, are seeing another health practitioner (physio, osteo, chiro etc.), have any acute or chronic pain or injuries contact Kimberley before booking in for a class as you require a 1:1 consultation prior to attending small group sessions.
Please be sure that your phone is off: Vibrate is an option if you need it on for an emergency
Please come to the mat with clean feet and body, bring a towel if you tend to sweat or you can bring your own mat and workout socks - this is much appreciated as it is for the hygiene of every body that shares the mats!
Please attend classes without strong perfumes or deodorants - some participants are sensitive to smells, so please save your Chanel and Calvin for after the session and if you are a smoker - we would all appreciate you refraining from having a cigarette just before attending a class
This is everyone's personal time so be respectful by showing up 5 minutes early to settle onto your mat so classes can start and finish on time
Let Kimberley know if your health situation has changed: injuries, pregnancy, medications or if you are seeing another health practitioner as this may impact your exercising capacity, intensity or movements
ALL instructions by Kimberley are INVITATIONS. It is important that you only take the options and suggestions that are right for you on the day that feel appropriate for your body!